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Page 13

  Her stomach flipped at the sight of his bare chest highlighted by the moonlight, more muscle than she’d ever seen. He was like Adonis reincarnated—created to make all women swoon.

  Melanie sighed.

  “You okay?” he asked innocently, his hands trailing up her arms. Couldn’t the man hear her heart singing?

  She averted her gaze, afraid he’d see how awestruck she was with him.

  Why was it so hard to hide her feelings like Kay, instead of being so transparent? And moreover, why couldn’t she believe Knox wanted her as badly as she wanted him?

  Inadequacy vanished when he unbuckled his belt and slowly worked his pants down, the erection beneath his shorts proof that he did desire her. She didn’t care why—only that he did—to hell with anything else. “Its time for you to inspect my deck gun,” he said and removed his boxers.

  Melanie’s eyes widened, a rush of intense heat infusing her body. Was this what they referred to as ladder up?

  She swallowed hard. What was about to happen made her tremble with anticipation.

  He crooked his index finger at her. “Come here, baby. I promise I’ll make you come. At least twice.”

  “Again, you’re pretty sure of yourself.” Melanie crawled over to cover his body with hers, the contact electrifying.

  “Oh, I’ve sized up the situation,” he said, brushing his hands over her bottom. “The engine’s running, just let me know when you’re ready to take a ride on the ole’ pumper.”

  Melanie giggled at his terminology, the glint of passion in his eyes feeding her wanton desire. She leaned in and kissed him with fervor as his hands squeezed her ass, drawing her up to his erection. The intimate contact was shocking as he rocked her against him, the gyration driving her to orgasm minutes later, an incredible light show playing in the back of her eyes.

  “That’s one,” he whispered, laughing. “Now let’s go for number two.”

  He held her on top of him and thrust upward, his shaft filling her completely.

  Melanie had never experienced anything so incredible until he started to move. That’s when she had to admit she'd been wrong. Knox in motion, inside her was the wildest, hottest sensation she’d ever felt. Her body and mind sailed on a sea of need. Sheer pleasure stirred her to life, fueling a flame only Knox had been able to ignite.

  At a measured pace she moved against his cock, her body hot and aching for release, building in intensity until Knox climaxed beneath her. His throbbing release brought on her own, contraction after powerful contraction until she was left breathless, weak and totally satisfied for the first time in her life.

  Melanie lay in Knox’s strong arms listening to the beat of his slowing heart. The heat of his body kept her warm even as the evening started to chill around them. Melanie felt serene and groggy. A bullfrog croaked off in the distance, a peaceful sound that lulled her to sleep.

  * * *

  Knox glanced down at Melanie’s sleeping form and his heart filled with tenderness. He’d never been in love before, and he had to admit, it felt pretty good. Made him feel whole somehow.

  As he stared at the woman he loved, he came to the realization that being with Sandra for the sake of their child, to give him or her a traditional home and values, wouldn’t work. The process would destroy him. Melanie was the woman he wanted to spend his life making a home and raising a family with—not Sandra Gallan. Hell, picturing Sandra as a nurturing mother was hard to do. Caring for a child. His child. She’d probably hire someone to do it. She’d be too busy running off to her social events and parties until all hours of the night.

  He didn’t want to think about that right now.

  He held the most precious of women in his arms and that’s all that mattered. To be able to do this for the rest of his life, he had to clear Melanie’s name.

  The thought brought back the meeting he'd had with Dean and Tracy Grainger earlier in the day. A confrontation that only served to make him more suspicious of them.

  Indeed, Tracy wore clip-on earrings, and had accused Melanie of setting the house fire.

  Knox knew better. Yet, how was he going to prove that the woman he loved had been set-up? Could he coerce the truth from Tracy Grainger? Get her to confess to setting the fire herself with the intent to frame Melanie in a bid to keep her husband? The circumstantial evidence he had now did nothing to clear Melanie—earring or not. How did he even prove it was Tracy’s? Admit that Melanie had told him she’d broken into the Grainger’s home and found it? That would just add to her troubles.

  First thing in the morning, he’d call downtown and find out if the accelerant used to set the warehouse fire was the same used at the house. If so, he’d see if Tracy Grainger had access to the substance and go from there.

  Melanie shivered in his arms and Knox knew it was time to wake her and send her off to bed. He hated to leave her after what they’d shared, but they had their whole lives to be together if everything went according to plan. Right now he had to keep her from catching a chill.

  * * *

  “Mel, wake up,” Kay said, and shook her when she refused to open her eyes. “Are you always this lazy?”

  “No,” Melanie snapped, her eyes popping open. She glared at her friend. “Only when I’ve been up half the night.”

  “We went to bed at the same time. Why didn’t you get enough sleep?”

  The last thing Melanie wanted was for Kay to learn about her late night rendezvous with Knox. She’d want to hear every single detail and her night with him was too special to share with someone else. At least for now.

  “I had a hard time sleeping,” she said instead, hoping her eyes didn’t give the fib away. She wasn’t good at lying, and being so in love made her want to shout it from the rooftops—not keep it a secret.

  Melanie smiled as the vivid memories of Knox’s tender expression of last night came rushing back. If she’d read his eyes correctly, he had strong feelings for her, maybe even loved her, a staggering fact. The only other man to confess his love was Dean Grainger, though he’d had nothing to back it up, no show of emotion at all.

  Once she’d awakened last night, she and Knox had quickly dressed, neither saying a word, Melanie basking in what they’d shared in each other’s arms. Knox had walked her to the back door and kissed her, a soft union that she still felt with clarity. What she wouldn’t give to have him next to her now, his body draped over hers as he slept. Would they ever have that—or was last night all they’d share?

  At the prospect of not being together again, Melanie’s stomach clenched, the sick, vice-like feeling spreading, twisting its way to her heart.

  Maybe they should have talked before he’d left. At least she’d know where she stood.

  Did she expect too much from their being together? Had their night been anything more than two people sharing an evening of unbridled passion?

  Kay shook her again. “Let’s go down and get some coffee. You can tell me why you had such a hard time sleeping.”

  “Okay, though I’m just going to bore you.”

  “I doubt that.” Kay winked at her, a gesture that made Melanie blush. Did she know what happened?

  Oh God. Her friend did have covert training, taught by Paul (P.I.) Nadar. She could have been outside watching them the whole time, witnessed for herself how incredible Knox was beneath his clothes—how user-friendly.

  “Are you okay?” Kay touched her forehead. “You look flushed. Are you coming down with something?”

  Coming down. What an understatement. She was coming down all right, from a high no drug could even come close to. Making love to Knox had been a mind-altering experience, something she might find addictive, adding yet another thing Melanie found impossible to control.

  She hated that about herself. Always falling for the wrong guy.

  “I’m okay,” she said, brushing Kay’s hand away.

  Okay, it was a lie, but Kay didn’t have to know that. She’d probably try to convince her that sex, even without lo
ve, was worth having—as long as the sex was good. Good or not though, Melanie loved Knox with all her heart, and until she knew he returned those feelings, she was going to be on pins and needles praying he did.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Knox sat in his pick-up and studied the results Greg Emory had given him earlier that day. The accelerant used in the warehouse and the house fire came from the same source, a source accessible to most people. You could buy paint thinner at the local Wal-Mart or art supply store. If Tracy did indeed purchase a can in the last month or so with a check or credit card, he’d find that out. The bad news about the accelerant, it only strengthened the case against Melanie. Tracy Grainger was no dummy. She’d been smart enough to use a substance that Melanie would have on hand.

  So, where did he go from here? How was he going to prove Melanie’s innocence? No way would he allow her go to jail for a crime she didn’t commit. Somehow he had to unravel Mrs. Grainger’s scheme to incriminate Melanie, and he needed to do it quickly, before this information became public knowledge. An arson investigation wasn’t something you could keep under wraps for long.

  Tracy might go to the media and leak Melanie’s name, which very likely could destroy her life, even if the truth came out later. Melanie’s art career—something very important to her—would be tarnished. No way was he going to let a bitter woman like Tracy ruin Melanie’s chances to achieve her dreams. Anything that was important to Melanie was significant.

  The cell phone clipped to his belt vibrated. He reached for it and flipped it open, instantly recognizing the number.

  His heart stopped.

  He pressed talk, hoping this was a, “Why haven’t I seen my son in days” call from his mother instead of about another attempt by Tony to see his boys. “What’s wrong, Mom?” He waited for her sweet voice to say “nothing dear”. It didn’t happen.

  “Knox, Tara and the boys are missing.” The tremor in her voice crushed his reserve. She thought Tony had them.

  “Have you tried calling her cell?”

  “Yes. No answer. Your father is out looking for her right now. Would you mind calling in some favors, ask the police department to put an APB out on her and her car?”

  “I’m on it. As soon as I contact them, I’ll be out looking myself. Stay by the phone. Call me if you hear from her. I’ll call you if she phones me.”

  Fifteen minutes later, after making some calls, Knox drove past Tara’s house. He thought that she might have gone home, but there was no sign of her car.

  A number of scenarios rattled through his brain. Why would Tara turn off her cell if everything were okay? Could there be a valid reason for her to do so, besides Tony taking it? Perhaps she’d left her phone in the car while she went shopping? A possibility, yet what if Tony did have her? Where would he have taken Tara and the boys?

  Think, Knox!

  Where had the pair gone on their first date? To dinner and a movie, if his memory served him right. What was the name of the restaurant? Riley’s or something, a hole in the wall joint on the edge of town. A place Tony could afford. He’d been tight with his money even back then.

  Knox took the next right and headed for the other end of town. He hoped his hunch was right and he’d taken her there to remind her of how it had once been between them. A ludicrous idea.

  Was Tony stupid enough to think that bringing back the past would help? With those years came the abuse, almost from the beginning of their relationship, something Knox learned only after Tony had hightailed it out of town.

  Knox turned right onto Oak Street and caught a glimpse of a red Pontiac—one that looked like Tara’s—parked in front of the Dairy Freeze. At a table outside, Tara sat with the boys on either side of her, both of them holding ice cream cones in their small hands. A man with his back to Knox sat across from Tara. He had the same build and hair coloring as Tony.

  Rage filled Knox. The man had some nerve taking them for ice cream.

  Tara smiled, a response Knox assumed was brought on by something the man said. He watched her closely, noticed she didn’t look at all frightened or intimidated by her company. Actually looked pleased to be with him.

  Knox whipped the truck into the parking lot and killed the engine. Murder was on his mind. He jumped out and stalked to the table, his full attention on the man sitting with his sister.

  Tara spotted him and smiled brightly.

  “Knox.” She stood and came over to hug him.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  She pulled away and frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, Mom’s been trying to get a hold of you for hours.”

  “Oh, I forgot to bring my phone.”

  “She’s worried sick, Tara. She thought Tony might have kidnapped you.”

  Tara hands flew to her mouth.

  Knox gripped her shoulder and squeezed. “I’ll call her, tell her you’re all right.” While he waited for his mother to answer her phone, Knox studied the man at the table. He turned and Knox was floored. Brent James.

  As Knox relayed to his mom that his sister was fine, he eyed Brent and Tara, who flushed a pretty shade of pink. There was something going on between them, or Tara wanted there to be. Strange. They were two totally opposite people.

  His friend wasn’t at all right for her. Tara was a responsible, caring person. Brent didn’t have a reliable bone in his body when it came to women. Or children. Rarely ever acted like an adult. And talk about a womanizer, far worse than Knox had ever been. He was not the type of guy Tara and the boys should be having ice cream with.

  What was Brent thinking? No doubt something nasty. Probably picturing himself licking ice cream off Knox’s sister. Not something wholesome and pure that would include Tara’s boys.

  “Hey, Knox. I was lucky enough to run into your sister,” Brent said, his gaze clearly honing in on Knox’s reaction.

  “Right. Well, I’ll take care of her now. Surely you have a date, it being Saturday and all.”

  “Actually, I don’t,” Brent shot back, his steely gray eyes turning darker. “Tara was talking about taking the boys to the park and I offered to tag along.”

  “Really?” Knox took a ragged breath. No way in hell was Brent doing anything with his sister. He’d make sure of that. “I have a better idea. I haven’t seen my nephews for a week. Why don’t I take them to the park?”

  “That’s a great idea, Knox” Brent interjected with zeal. “That way Tara and I could go see a movie or something.”

  The idea of the “or something” spiked Knox’s anger further. What could he say to get the point across that he didn’t like the idea without ending their friendship? He didn’t think he could. Not now. It was best to wait. Get Tara alone to tell her about Brent’s reputation with women. Until that time, he’d pray Brent didn’t try anything.

  “Okay, I’ll take the boy’s to the park, then over to Mom’s where I’ll be waiting for you, Tara.”

  Something akin to annoyance flashed in Brent’s eyes. Good. Let him be steamed. He obviously understood what Knox was trying to tell him in a none-too-subtle way. If Brent laid a hand on his sister, Knox would be the first to know, a deterrent Knox assumed would keep Brent’s hands to himself, at least for today.

  * * *

  As she drove, Melanie’s mind drifted back to her night in Knox’s capable arms. All she wanted was to be with him again. Touching him. Making love to him for hours. She actually hurt inside wanting to be near him.

  She passed the park and spotted Knox’s truck in a slot directly adjacent to a large wooden swing-set.

  Her heart jumped and she debated whether to stop or not. Her brain told her no. Her heart said yes. Her heart won.

  She pulled into a space three car-lengths from his truck.

  Would he be upset if she searched him out? Think she was crowding him?

  She glanced around. Knox stood next to a jungle gym, watching two little boys. Whose children were they? Were they his? They had the same dark hair

  Melanie’s stomach somersaulted. Here she was in love with Knox and she barely knew anything about him. Only what he felt like inside her. The man might be divorced—and have children.


  She swallowed hard as a realization hit her.

  She and Knox hadn’t used protection last night. Oh God. At this very moment she could be carrying his child. She sucked in a ragged breath and laced her hands over her belly.

  Why hadn’t she thought about this? She knew better than to sleep with someone without using a condom. Yet she’d been so caught up in the moment, she’d completely forgotten about it—until now.

  Had this crossed Knox’s mind? Was he worried? Or was he used to something like this? Casual sex. Maybe he never used a condom. Maybe he had unprotected intercourse with every woman he slept with. Another thing she should have found out before she made love to him. The man might have any number of diseases for God’s sakes. Melanie’s stomach tightened at the thought.

  What were the odds of an unplanned pregnancy after having sex once? Surely it was slim. Probably impossible. Right? When was her last period? She started counting back the days. At least two weeks ago. She swallowed again. Wasn’t that around the time a woman ovulated? What would she do if she were pregnant and Knox refused to help raise the child?

  Melanie shook the thought off. It was stupid to worry over something that wasn’t going to happen. There’s no way she was pregnant. She was just over-emotional from last night. Her hormones were running amok.

  For quite some time, she sat and watched Knox with the boys. He seemed very attentive, quite capable at handling them. Maybe he was their father. Would that change anything? How would she feel about being part of an extended family if she and Knox were to become an item? Would she be a caring stepmother?

  Melanie had so many questions running around in her head that she knew talking to Knox now wouldn’t be smart. She needed time to think about what she would and wouldn’t be able to deal with in a relationship with him. Until she had answers, it was best to stay away from him.