Abducted Heart (Z-Series) Read online

Page 5

  Except for Casey.

  Now that he'd finally come home, he wasn't going to stay away for a long period of time. He'd faced his fears and overcome them. His mother would be happy to know visiting her was going to be something he planned to work in at least once a year.

  Lynch entered the restaurant, skimming the crowd for Zack and Casey. They were nowhere in sight.

  Maybe they were in the back.

  He stalked down the hall to the non-smoking section but the two weren't there either.

  Lynch's heart escalated.

  He retraced his steps back to the street, glancing around, hoping the two had decided to go to another eatery on Bourbon.

  He didn't see them.

  Where were they?

  What was he thinking, leaving the two alone? Brent could have followed them here.

  Did the two get ambushed by him, or did Brent have an accomplice?

  No. Zack was a highly skilled operative. No one got the jump on him unless they'd held a gun to his back.

  Lynch walked on, looking in the doors of the businesses he passed. A soft, familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.

  He glanced into the window and blew out a relieved breath. Then did a double-take at the sign on the door.

  A seer. Psychic. Tarot reader. Why would Casey and Zack go inside such a place?

  Lynch entered the shop and was met by a pair of amber eyes that instantly unnerved him. Her intense stare, along with the strong smell of burning incense, made it hard to breathe.

  “I thought you two were going to wait for me in the pub.” He glanced at Casey, who seemed even paler than before. “What's going on?”

  “I was drawn to her when she walked by,” the woman pointing to Casey said. “Bad Juju surrounds her. Danger. But you already know that.” She stared at Lynch, daring him to deny what she said. He couldn't. But did he want Casey to know that?

  “You two have a bond.” The young woman's words drew his full attention. “A painful past neither of you can get over.”

  She pointed to Casey again. “You have a secret. One you don't want him to know. Something so painful you're afraid to even think about it.”

  Lynch turned to Casey, who seemed whiter, if that were possible.

  She looked up at him, tears forming in her exquisite eyes.

  “I see betrayal. Someone who has promised to protect you,” the brunette said to Casey, her gaze drifting to Lynch for a moment, then moving back to her. “It will be hard to forgive.”

  “I think we should go,” Lynch said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with this whole thing. He'd never believed in this voodoo shit and he wasn't about to start now.

  “You doubt me. I understand that. It's hard to believe in anything you can't see with your own eyes.” Her gaze connected to his again. “But you need to stay close to this woman or something bad will happen. You and I both know this. What has come to light is only the tip of what you will learn if you keep digging.”

  Lynch knew once they left, Casey was going to have questions, ones he wasn't sure he was ready to divulge. “You,” she said, pointing to Zack, “have encountered something that will become very important to you if you are willing to see it.”

  Zack looked at Lynch and grinned. He could tell he, too, thought the woman was a charlatan. “Right,” his friend said, giving her a wink.

  “You doubt me, too, but you'll see I'm right in time.”

  “I've had enough of this. Let's go.” Lynch touched Casey's shoulder.

  As she rose, the woman reached out and grabbed her hand and held it tight, her eyes literally rolling back in her head. She began to shake uncontrollably. Just as abruptly, she let go, and her eyes landed on Lynch, and she smiled.

  The look brought goose bumps to his arms.

  When he pulled himself together, he took Casey's hand and tugged her toward the door, still trying to get a handle on what had happened.

  He'd never felt anything like that before—as if she had taken a glimpse inside his soul. That alone made him feel uncomfortable since not even his mother knew his deepest feelings—especially about Casey.

  “Remember the angel,” the seer said, then smiled at him again. “Don't forget.”

  “Sure, okay.” Lynch opened the door and allowed Casey and Zack to leave, then with one final look over his shoulder at the woman, he stepped out and closed the door behind him. He forced a lump down in his throat, then asked, “Do you want to get something to eat?”

  Casey nodded. “I'm sorry we scared you. We walked by her shop, and she stopped us.”

  “It's all right. I don't want you to give anything that woman said another thought. She wanted to pull you in so you'd come back for a paid reading. That's how those people work.”

  “Okay.” Her voice trembled, and Lynch's gut clenched. He knew that woman's words shook her, and hell, they'd affected him as well. But right now wasn't the time to dwell on her reading.

  Later, after he'd had time to think about what she said, he'd evaluate any truth to it.


  Casey opened her eyes, sensing something wasn't quite right. She sat up in bed and glanced at the window. A ray of morning light filtered in from the space between her brocade curtains.

  She turned toward the door, surprised to find Lynch asleep in the chair off to the corner. His presence brought back the psychic's words from last night.

  She's in danger, but you already know that.

  What had she meant by Lynch knowing? What the heck was he keeping from her? If she had to hound him all day, she was going to find out.

  While he slept, Casey studied his features, amazed at how handsome he'd become. Not that he wasn't at nineteen, but his face hadn't been as defined as it was now. He had a mysterious edge to him as well—one that intrigued her.

  Her body surged to life, and she forced down the lump forming in her throat. Simply looking at the man made her think of things she shouldn't. Especially since it'd been over eight months since she'd had sex. Hell, even when she had, it had been far from satisfying. Lynch was the only man who had ever given her pleasure.

  Her gaze moved over him, hovering at his delicious mouth. Were his lips as hard and demanding as they'd once been?

  Casey sucked in a breath, angry that her body craved the one man who hurt her more than anything.

  She turned away. Why was she doing this to herself? She needed to remember that he left her. Broke her heart in two. He didn't deserve her admiration.

  When she glanced back, she found him watching her, his eyes dark with something she hadn't seen in years—desire.

  Casey licked her dry lips, her gaze glued to his. She couldn't move, couldn't look away. More than anything, she wanted to throw herself into his arms and forget about everything else.

  When he rose from the chair and started toward her, Casey held her breath. How many times had she dreamed of this? Wanted Lynch in the worst way?

  His hand brushed her cheek, and Casey's world tilted. She cupped her hand over his, intending to say something, but found words impossible.

  He took hold of her hand and pulled her up, his free hand working around her back to draw her flush to him, the feel of his hard pecs causing the air to whoosh from her lungs.

  He dipped his head and slanted his lips over hers in a kiss that sent her spiraling toward the heavens. Her arms circled his neck, her nipples drawing up tight against his chest, exciting her more. Casey opened her mouth to his tongue, her own working around his in a frenzy of passion. At that moment, she yearned for Lynch more than she'd wanted anything. Even breath.

  She moaned and gave into the wonderful sensations, remembering how incredible their lovemaking had always been. Except now it was forbidden, which made it even more of a turn-on.

  Lynch's mouth left hers and worked down the column of her throat, the flesh coming alive.

  Casey let her hands roam over his powerful shoulders, marveling at how the muscles flexed beneath them. Lynch Rendell was the perfe
ct specimen of man. Always had been. For her.

  When his hand worked under the strap of her nightgown to gently caress her breast, Casey threw her head back, amazed how her body responded to his caress. No one had ever made her feel so alive, so not in control of herself. All she could think was having him inside her, quenching a thirst that ten years of unsatisfying sex had caused.

  A loud squelching sound sent Casey's heart thumping even more wildly against her ribcage.

  Lynch pulled away, looking stunned. “Shit! That's the alarm system. Somebody's trying to break in.”

  He scrambled from the bed and raced for the door. “You stay here,” he said over his shoulder as he disappeared from the room.

  Casey reached for her robe, her body still humming from Lynch's touch. Was it the kidnappers again? Why would they try to break in when she told the person on the phone she didn't have the money?

  This whole thing made no sense unless it wasn't the cash they were after.

  Pure dread raced over her body. She's in danger echoed like a foghorn in her brain.

  But why try to kidnap her? Who would pay the ransom?


  Anyone who had lived in New Orleans for any length of time knew of her father's wealth. He was in the society pages almost monthly. But why bother abducting Brent first? Why not just take her?

  Casey's head started to throb. She was giving herself a damned headache, trying to figure this whole mess out. Maybe there was no explanation for it. Maybe the kidnapper was stupid, or thought she'd gain a larger ransom and had changed his plans.

  She heard footsteps on the stairs and slipped on her robe. Perhaps Lynch had an idea as to what was going on because Casey only had more questions than answers.


  Lynch met Zack on the ground floor. The man looked winded.

  “You see anything?”

  “I caught a glimpse of a man running away from the house. I took off after him, but lost him in a backyard three houses down.”

  “Anything stand out about the guy?”

  The phone started to ring, then stopped. Lynch assumed that Casey answered it in her room. “That's probably the security company. I hope Casey doesn't tell them we had an intruder. We'll have half the city's police department breathing down our necks.”

  “What the hell's going on here, Lynch? This is no ordinary kidnapping. You and I both know that.”

  Lynch glanced at the staircase, relieved that Casey wasn't standing above.

  “I found life insurance policies in Casey's name with double indemnity causes equaling a million dollars at Brent's office.”

  Zack whistled. “So, you're saying this whole thing was a staged abduction. That your ex-step-brother is trying to kill Casey?”

  “That's what I'm thinking, but I don't want her to know. He clearly never expected her to call me.”

  “Do you think he knows you're here?”

  Lynch rubbed the stubble on his chin. “I'm not sure. Why try and break in again if he did?”

  “Good point. What's our next move?”

  “The bank. I want to find out where all that money was going. It could be the key to everything. We do know he was spending money at a strip club on who knows what, but that was chump change compared to what these transactions were. While we wait for the bank to open, I'm going to change the damned locks on this house. I should have done that. I don't know what I was thinking.”

  Zack looked him square in the eye. “She's beautiful and very distracting.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  His friend gave him a crooked smile. “I was listening to that woman last night. Why didn't you tell me you and Casey used to be a couple?”

  Lynch shook his head. “It was a long time ago.”

  “And yet you are still not over her. At least now I know why you've never been serious about any of the women you dated. You still have feelings for Casey.”

  “You're fuckin' crazy. I don't feel anything for her.”

  A gasp from above made Lynch look up. Casey stood at the rail, her hand covering her mouth, her face pale.

  Jesus Christ. He never wanted her to hear what he said. He'd just told Zack that to get him off his back.

  She turned and walked away.

  Lynch felt like the biggest ass.

  “Nice.” Zack curled his upper lip into a sneer.

  Okay. He felt bad enough. He didn't need his best friend to make it worse.

  “I'm going to get dressed and go out and get those locks. Keep an eye on Casey. At least she doesn't hate you.”

  “Maybe you should go up and apologize to her?”

  Lynch shook his head. “No. She's angry right now. I'll give her some time to cool down first.”


  “Yeah, you're right. I am. I'll talk to her but not now.”

  Zack smiled. “I'll keep an eye on her.”

  “Thanks. While I'm out, I'm going to stop by Mom's and get my bag. Can I borrow one of your shirts for now? I don't think Casey would welcome me asking for another of Brent's.”

  His friend nodded. “All right.” He left the hallway and came back a minute later with a black tee.

  Lynch slipped into the shirt, then put on the boots he'd placed next to the door. “I'll be back as soon as I can.”

  He pointed toward the security alarm system. “Don't forget to punch the code when I leave.”

  “Will do.” Zack smiled.

  Lynch wanted to kick himself for saying what he did to Zack. He did have feelings for Casey—feelings that had been rekindled when he took her in his arms and kissed her. The psychic on Bourbon Street had been right about him not being able to get over her. He knew that for sure now. That's why he'd never allowed any other woman to get close to him. Because, in the back of his mind, he knew he'd never love anyone but her. Sad. But true.

  Lynch opened his mother's car door and slid behind the wheel. Once he got back, he'd tell Casey he was sorry and hope she'd forgive him. Then again, he'd clearly forgiven her for her betrayal. She needed to buck it up and do the same.


  Casey stood next to the stove, forcing herself not to replay what Lynch had said over in her head. His words had cut like a knife in her heart. What did she ever do to deserve such treatment?

  How could he kiss her with such passion and then tell his friend she meant nothing to him? Maybe it was a male thing. Sex and love were totally different things. That's why he could walk away all those years ago and not look back.

  See if she ever let him touch her again. She'd die first.

  “That smells delicious.” Zack nodded at the bacon she had cooking in the pan in front of her.

  She turned to smile at him.

  The front door slamming had her heart revving up. Lynch had to be back. How was she going to face him after what happened in her bedroom, especially when it had clearly meant less than nothing to him? She could still feel the pressure of his lips on hers and wanted Lynch even now—after his blunt statement.

  “I'm going to help Lynch get those new locks installed.”

  Casey nodded. Somehow, she needed to put all this behind her. Not like she hadn't done it before. She was strong enough to get through this again.

  She finished cooking the bacon, then mixed eggs in a bowl and poured them into a pan. While the omelet cooked, she toasted some bread and set the table.

  “Good morning,” a familiar voice said from behind her.

  Casey whirled around to find Chelsea standing in the doorway. “So, why are the most gorgeous men in the world changing the locks on your front door? Better yet, where is that husband of yours?”

  Casey was relieved that her best friend hadn’t recognized Lynch. If she did, she might say something she shouldn't—something she never wanted Lynch to know about. Heck, the psychic had almost let the cat out of the bag, but apparently he hadn't been listening to what the woman said.

  “Well?” her friend prompted.

helsea wasn't going to let it go. She wanted an answer.

  “I had a break in and they're putting in new locks. Simple as that.”

  “Simple as that, huh? So, why is Mister Blonde Hunk still here? I thought he was just in town for the day.”

  “He decided to stay longer.” Casey wasn't a good liar but she'd had to do it a lot with her friend lately. Not to mention keeping her failing marriage a secret. She would have a lot to atone for, once this mess was over.

  Lynch and Zack chose that moment to come into the kitchen. “Is something burning?” Zack asked, smiling at Chelsea, who grinned back.

  “Oh, crap. My eggs.” Casey raced to the stove, pushing the pan off the burner. She stared at the charred remains of her omelet, fighting to keep the tears from clouding her eyes. Her whole life was a big mess, and everyone she cared about was here to see it—except her parents, and they'd know soon enough.

  Casey took in a breath and turned back to the group.

  Chelsea stared at Lynch, who seemed oblivious to her attention.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn't the man who left my best friend high and dry.”

  Lynch looked at Chelsea like she'd lost her mind. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Casey needed to dispel this situation and she needed to do it now. “I think we should head for the bank.”

  Chelsea looked at her and frowned. “Why do you need to go to the bank?”

  “We really don't have time for me to go into it, Chels.”

  “What the hell is going on, Casey? You're keeping something from me. I know it.”

  “Casey's right. We don't have time for this. Zack, can you stay here and install the lock on the kitchen door while Casey and I go to the bank?”


  Casey dreaded spending alone time with Lynch. He was going to question what Chelsea said, and she was going to wonder why he took such an offense to it. That and their run in earlier was going to make for a very uncomfortable ride.

  “I'll see you out, Chelsea.”

  “Better yet, I'll keep Zack company while you and Lynch are gone. If that's all right with Zack?” She gave Lynch's friend a smile that could melt any resistance, not that he'd have any with the way he looked at her.