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Abducted Heart (Z-Series) Page 7

  She glanced at Casey, and her smile wavered. She of all people knew how much the woman had hurt him.

  “So, where's Brent?” Alex asked.

  “Let's have dinner first then we'll talk about everything.”

  “Brent won't be joining us?” his mother asked, looking from him to Casey.

  “No. No, he won't.” Casey clearly was trying to keep a smile on her face for the sake of her in-laws, but Lynch could tell it was a struggle.

  “What are you two not telling us?” his stepfather asked, the deep lines in his forehead suggesting he knew something was wrong.

  “Let's at least have a glass of wine.”

  “We don't want any wine. We want to know what's going on.”

  Lynch could tell by his mother's fiery eyes that there was no way she'd not get an answer. He'd witnessed that over the years. Lynch was going to have to tell them everything. “All right, but maybe we should go into the living room and sit down.”

  Without another word, the two walked to the adjoining room and took a seat next to each other, then clasped each other's hands and held tight.

  “What's going on, Lynch? Are you two having an affair?” Alex asked, his gaze piercing Casey's.

  “No!” Casey said.

  Wow. She almost sounded disgusted by the idea. She didn't act that way when he'd had his hands all over her that morning.

  “Then what the hell is going on?” Alex was angry, and Lynch knew his reaction was just.

  “Did Brent ask you for money in the past… say… six months?”

  Alex's eyes narrowed, and he cleared his throat. “Why?”

  Something was in the man's eyes, something he'd been hiding even from Lynch's mother. “Did he, Alex?”

  Alex rubbed at his forehead, then he nodded. “Yes. He asked for more than I could give him. Told me that Casey liked nice things and he couldn't keep up with her.”

  Casey muffled a sob beside Lynch, and he fisted his hands at his side. The man lied to everyone. Had he ever told the truth? About anything?

  “I gave him what I could.” Alex looked guilty for some reason. “It was a lie, wasn't it? What has my son been doing?”

  “Brent racked up quite a debt at Harrah's and, from what I could gather, stole money from his company to pay off some of the debt.”

  “Oh my God.” His mother looked horrified and she didn't even know the worst of it yet.


  “What else?” Casey's father-in-law asked, watching her and Lynch closely. “I can tell by your faces that there is something worse coming.”

  Lynch looked at Casey. She could tell he really didn't want to tell Alex and his mother what he thought, yet he needed to get it all out.

  “I have no proof of what I'm about to tell you, but from what I can piece together, and what has happened in the last few days, Brent staged his own kidnapping.”

  “What? Brent’s been abducted? Why the hell didn't you call me?” Alex asked Casey.

  “Casey called me,” Lynch said, holding up his hands. “She was told not to tell anyone or Brent would be killed. But let me backtrack here. I don't believe Brent was kidnapped. I think he staged the whole thing to somehow break in to this house, then orchestrate a home invasion gone bad to kill Casey for the one-million-dollar life insurance money he has on her.”

  “This is crazy.” Alex's face distorted with anger. “Like you said, you have no proof about any of this. What if you're wrong? What if Brent was actually kidnapped? What then?”

  “Someone with a key broke into this house. Nothing was touched except where Casey was supposed to be sleeping. If she hadn't called me when she heard the intruder, I believe she'd be dead now.”

  He looked at her and gave her a half smile.

  “Do you believe this story, Casey? Do you think Brent is capable of hatching such a horrendous scheme?” Alex asked her.

  “I don't want to believe it, but I didn't know about this second insurance policy Brent kept in the desk at his office, and I certainly had no idea about the double indemnity clause included in it.”

  Alex stood. “I don't want to listen to this. I can't imagine my son doing anything so awful. I just can't.” The man shot out of the room and slammed the front door on his way out.

  Casey looked at Lynch's mother who seemed torn as to whether she should go after Alex or not.

  “Do you think he did this, Lynch?”

  “I do, Mom. I'm sorry.”

  “So, should we call the police or what?”

  He glanced at Casey for a moment, then returned his attention to his mother. “No, not yet. We need to get proof first.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  Exactly. How were they going to do that? Casey had no idea, but she'd trust that Lynch would.

  “I'm still working that out in my head. Somehow we need to find a way to draw the man out of hiding. How we're going to do that, I don't know yet. We may have to use what Brent needs most. Money.”

  “So a ransom was asked for?”

  Casey nodded. “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

  Lynch's mother's light-blue eyes widened. “Oh my God. Who has that kind of money?”

  “My father. I have it in the safe in my office.”

  “Is it still there?”

  “I'm the only one with the combination to the safe.” Might not be a bad idea for her to go check to make sure it was still there.

  The doorbell rang, and Casey jumped half out of her skin. She frowned and glanced at Lynch.

  “Maybe Alex decided to come back.” He headed for the door.

  A moment later she heard angry voices in the foyer and went to see what was going on. She found her father pushing past Lynch to get into the house.

  “Daddy, what are you doing here?”

  “Why haven't you answered your phone? I've called ten times, and what the hell is he here for?” He pointed at finger at Lynch.

  Both men stared daggers at one another.

  “You showed up at my office and asked to borrow a huge chunk of money and I come here to find him in your house. Is he trying to blackmail you?”

  “No, Daddy. Lynch came here to help. How could you assume such an awful thing?”

  “You know what kind of father he had. He's scum. Always was, always will be.”

  “Who are you calling scum?” Lynch's mother shouted, rushing into the room. “My son has been serving his country for the past ten years to keep you and every other man, woman and child in the US safe and you have the nerve to call him scum.”

  “Who is this?” her father asked Casey.

  “This is Lynch's mother, Patricia.”

  Her father sniffed and looked away, giving Casey the once-over. “What's going on here? Looks like you're having a little dinner party. Where the hell is your husband, Casey? Do you think he'd approve of Rendell being here?”

  Casey's jaw dropped. He all of a sudden cared what Brent thought? Clearly her husband was the lesser of two evils in Daniel Wheaton's eyes. Lynch was the devil incarnate to him.

  “Look, Daddy, this isn't a good time. I need you to leave.”

  “I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on.”

  Casey wanted to cry. The last thing she needed was her father involved in this whole mess. He'd just make it worse.

  “Look, we're all tired. I think we should go home and get some rest.” Patricia's suggestion drew everyone's attention to her.

  “When Casey tells me what is going on, I'll consider it.”

  “I'll tell you, Daddy. But I'm too tired right now. I'll call you first thing in the morning.”

  Her father glared at Lynch, then without another word, left.

  “I'll have to tell him everything tomorrow. He won't let me out of it.”

  “Hopefully I'll have a plan devised by then.” Lynch smiled at both Casey and his mother.

  “I need to call a cab since I lost my ride.”

  “Just take your car. We can take Case
y's tomorrow.”

  “You sure?”

  “Definitely.” He kissed his mother's cheek, then handed her the keys and walked her out.

  Casey dragged herself to the living room and dropped down onto the sofa. What a disaster the night had been. Poor Alex had to be hurting. To think your son could do such a thing when you hadn't raised him like that.

  “You okay?” Lynch asked, standing a few feet away.

  She hadn't even heard him come back. “I'm wondering about Alex. What do you think he's thinking right now?”

  Lynch shrugged. “Probably the same thing I am?”

  “And that is?”

  “What happened to Brent to make him a sociopath?”


  A crackle of raw energy filled the air in the room. Lynch and Casey were alone and that was a potent combination, especially after what happened with them that morning. If the security alarm hadn't gone off, they would have finished what they had started.

  The thought had his cock going rock hard. “Why don't we go to bed?”

  Wrong thing to say, Rendell.

  She stared at him. It was clear she shared the same thought.

  Did she want him as bad as he wanted her?

  “Where is Zack?” she asked, her voice wavering.

  “He had a date.”

  “What? With who...” Her eyes narrowed and darkened a shade. “Please tell me it wasn't with Chelsea.”

  “Hey, I tried to talk him out of it.”

  “You don't think they'll...”

  Lynch had to smile at Casey's reluctance to say the words. “If Zack has his way, yes.”

  She bit down onto her bottom lip. “I don't want Chelsea hurt. You know she's been my best friend since forever.”

  “I know. I told Zack that. He's had a dry spell with women lately, so you know he's going to jump at the chance when it's offered. Chelsea is stunning and hard to resist.”

  A look crossed Casey's features but Lynch wasn't quite sure what it was about.

  “I'm tired. I'm going to bed,” she said abruptly, then turned and walked up the stairs, leaving Lynch to wonder why she'd all of a sudden needed to leave.

  What was that?

  Lynch should be glad not to be in the same room with her since all he'd wanted to do was take her in his arms and make love to her.

  Before turning in, he went to activate the security system. He had turned it off earlier because company was coming. But now that he'd be settling in for the night, he wanted to know it was on and working. That nobody could get in.

  Right now, he wished he could get out.

  He still couldn't believe Brent would have the nerve to try to break in after the other night. The man was determined to get his hands on Casey. Hopefully now that he knew an alarm had been installed and Lynch and Zack were around to protect Casey, he wouldn't try it again. Because if he did, he wasn't getting away this time. Lynch was going to break his kneecaps— and his nose for good measure.

  Once Lynch was sure everything was secure, he headed back to the sofa to settle in for the night.

  An image of Casey in that slinky dress popped back into his head. Best to stay on the lower level. As far from Casey as he could get. She was just too damned tempting and he didn't need any complications. He had enough to deal with. He didn't need adultery to add to his list of indiscretions.

  Hell, some of the things he'd done over the years hadn't always set well. Even coming on to the secretary at Brent's office left a bad taste in the back of his throat. The fact that the woman wore an engagement ring helped since she shouldn't have found interest in any other man besides her fiancé anyway.

  Lynch sat on the edge of the cushion and slipped out of his boots. He grabbed the afghan from the corner and lay down, tucking the decorative pillow under his head. He stared up at the ceiling and wondered if Casey was in bed yet. Was she wearing another skimpy little gown that covered her body but concealed nothing?

  The thought had him rock hard again. What was he going to do if he couldn't get her off his mind? It was impossible to sleep with a full on erection.

  Lynch squeezed his eyes shut and slowly counted to ten.

  Squeaking from the staircase had him opening his eyes again. Casey stood on the top step, in a sexy number that revealed way more than he had a right to see.

  Her gaze connected with his.

  Lynch sucked in a ragged breath. Why was she doing this to him? He could see himself stalking right up those stairs and pushing her down to fuck her brains out. Who cared how uncomfortable it'd be for her? Right now, his cock hurt; she might as well, too.

  “Did you need something?” he asked, his voice cracking.

  “I'm nervous up here alone.”

  Lynch swallowed past the lump in his throat. She was doing this on purpose—trying to drive him over the edge.

  “I think it's best if we stay as far from one another as we can. Don't you? Especially after this morning.”

  Instead of agreeing and going back to bed, she came down the stairs and walked toward him, the sway of her hips hypnotizing Lynch. She was a temptress—a forbidden fruit, and damn it, he was hungry for something ripe and juicy.

  She stood directly in front of him, her hands clenching and unclenching at her side. Why was she torturing him like this? Did she think he had the patience of Job? The willpower of a man of the cloth?

  “Casey,” he said in barely a whisper.

  She moved closer, and the light from the hall illuminated her gown and made it completely transparent.

  Lynch reacted, grabbing her arms and pulling her down on top him. The warmth of her body ignited a fire deep in his belly. His cock grew harder against the inside of his jeans.

  He dug his hands into the back of her hair, and his lips found hers, slanting across her mouth in a passion he'd never experienced before. His tongue teased and taunted at the crease of her mouth, taking possession once she opened for him.

  He refused to think past the incredible sensations flooding his mind and body. They'd both have time for regrets in the morning. Now he was going to touch and taste every inch of her until he had his fill.

  His mouth left hers, and he kissed her slender neck, nibbling on the tender flesh until she moaned with pleasure. He loved how he could make her sing with every brush of his lips and tongue, every gyration of his body against hers.

  Intense heat coursed through him and, with a need to cool down, he moved her to straddle him, then stripped off his shirt. He reveled in the look of complete wonder on Casey's face. The gesture fired his blood, made him want her even more.

  It was Lynch's turn to see how much her body had matured in the years they'd been apart. He grabbed the hem of her nightgown and pulled it up, the dark v of curls between her legs making his mouth water.

  He tugged the garment over her head and chucked it, his gaze focusing in on her drawn tight, dusty rose nipples. He took both breasts in his palms, amazed at how they seem to fit perfectly there.

  Casey threw her head back, content with his appraisal.

  Lynch pulled her up and took one of the ivory mounds into his mouth, her moan of delight causing his heart to triple pace. This woman fueled his system. Hell, she always had.

  But she's married, Lynch. Maybe you should stop now before things go too far?

  “Oh God,” Casey said, her fingers sliding through his hair.

  Who was he kidding? He couldn't stop if he wanted to. She was like a drug to a junkie.

  He moved to the other breast, swirling her nipple around his tongue, causing her to arch her back. She reached a hand reached behind her and dug into his thighs. Lynch noted how wet she'd become against his belly, and the thought of tasting her became overwhelming.

  He took hold of her waist and brought her down on the cushions of the sofa, then spread her legs and cupped her ass, drawing her up, his tongue working at the folds of her pussy. The woman tasted of warm summer and rain. He licked her, nipping at her clitoris, evoking her j
uices until her legs began to shake.

  Lynch pulled away and worked out of his jeans, watching Casey as he did, her eyes shining with passion.

  Before tossing the pants, he extracted his wallet, pulled out the condoms he always carried and tore open one package and rolled it on his cock.

  He came to her, his lips on hers and buried himself deep in her heat, forcing himself to hold back, wanting to savor every second.

  Casey clawed his ass, and Lynch fought the urge to come, but first he was going to give her pleasure, make her beg for more, then he could give in to his own release.

  Lynch pumped hard into her, lifting her up to meet each thrust, her sighs of delight intensifying the experience. When she called his name and tightened around him, he quickened his rhythm, taking her over the edge twice before he gave into his own need, the force leaving him exhausted.


  Lynch dropped onto Casey, then flipped her to lie on top of him. She couldn't think past what had just happened between them. Ten years ago, making love to him had been wonderful, now it was earth-shattering. Her body had quaked more times than she could even count and each seemed more powerful than the last.

  She took in a calming breath, her hand cupping Lynch's pec, his heart thudding wildly.

  Casey had always thought there was something so surreal about her and Lynch's relationship, something unexplainable. Now she knew that for sure. No two people fit so perfectly together—caused such powerful chemistry without there being something special between them. But with that intense emotion was also extreme heartache. Lynch had caused such pleasure and such pain. How did one balance the two?

  He ran his hand through her hair and brought her out of her melancholy. She kneaded his chest, enjoying how the muscle bunched under her touch.

  She looked up at him, and her heart stopped. His gray eyes were warm, almost loving. Then again he'd always been that way after they'd made love. Yet that hadn't stopped him from walking away from her and never looking back.

  The thought sent a chill of apprehension through her. She had to remember that he lived in Virginia and had to eventually go home. He had a job and a life, and from what she could tell, he was content with both. How was this ever going to work?